Robojoy challenge class

2-4 Make the car turn freely #2

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So Hot!

My new book just came out.
The title is "Book of opportunity to build with the blocks"!
Based on "Crib notes of LEGO Technic" PDF book (view on a computer screen) was released last year and I added a few more descriptions of the Japanese-friendly.

"The book of Make mechanism with the blocks: Turn around, transmit basic of mechanism"
"The book of Make mechanism with the blocks: Run, turn, mechanism of car"
"The book of Make mechanism with the blocks: Walk, various, complex mechanism"

They are divided into three volumes. 2,709 yen a book.
In particular they do not have about reading order.
If you buy together a little high price, you can ask bookstore which book you would like to buy the most.
↓ I look at the details.

Now we will make a car turning freely from side to side to continue from last time.
I made a simple mechanism, but this time going to make it cool a little more close to the real car.

First, let's make it like the part of front wheels below.

Let's move a little with this. Make a program on your own.
Because direct to connect the motor, the motor power to make lower (about 20).
If not, whether the mechanism is broken, it takes excessive force to the motor.

Can you confirm that the direction of the tire, moving from side to side?

Now put a rear wheel and NXT block will be like this.

We put only one rear wheel to wheel and there is a reason. This will be explained later.
Let's make it, first.

I removed the cable.

Also removing the NXT and more like this.

Incidentally, if you remove the front wheel of the earlier part, that the only portion of the rear wheels.

If you create a program like the following, the robot will be changing the direction from side to side, running like zigzag.

The motor of the rear wheel to port A and the motor of the front wheels to port B to connect.
Power of A is 50, the duration is infinite.
Power of B is 20, has duration of 1 second.

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